CBTT Documentation:

Peer ID/User Agent banning:

Configuration file value: cbtt_ban_mode
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - Blacklist, 2 - VIP List
Configuration file value: cbtt_ban_file
States: Any valid fileystem pointer (clientbans.bnbt default)

When on in blacklist mode, Peer IDs and User Agents defined in the ban file (one per line) are denied access to the tracker and all others are allowed
When on in VIP mode, Peer IDs and User Agents defined in the ban file (one per line) are allowed access to the tracker and all others are denied

Search engine Robot blocking:

Configuration file value: cbtt_block_search_robots
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - All, 2 - customizable
Configuration file value: cbtt_block_robots_file States: Any valid filesystem pointer (robots.txt default)

When on in All mode, a generic robots.txt is returned that will block all search engines.
When on in customizable mode, a robots.txt file is parsed (on the same interval as the static header and footer files) to allow the user to choose which search engines are blocked.

Client spoofing detection:

Configuration file value: cbtt_restricted_peer_spoofing
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - On

When on, this forces specific Peer ID prefixes to be associated with specific user agents.
 - This feature is still under development and may accidentally ban legitimate clients. Please contact me if this happens.

Returned torrents sent uncompressed

Configuration file value: cbtt_dont_compress_torrents
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - On

When on, torrents returned to the client through the /torrent.html interface are returned without being passed through ZLib first.

Restricted overflow attack limits.

Configuration file value: cbtt_restrict_overflow
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - On
Configuration file value: cbtt_restrict_overflow_limit
States: any valid 64bit integer above 107374182400 ( 1099511627776 default )

When active, if a client reports either uploaded or downloaded (in bytes) above the specified overflow limit, it will be rejected.

IP Banning

Configuration file value: cbtt_ip_ban_mode
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - Blacklist, 2 - VIP list
Configuration file value: cbtt_ipban_file
States: Any valid filesystem pointer, defaults to bans.bnbt

When on in blacklist mode, IP Addresses defined in the ban file (one per line) are denied access to the tracker and all others are allowed.
When on in VIP mode, IP Addresses defined in the ban file (one per line) are allowed access to the tracker and all others are denied.

Private IP Spoofing Blocking

Configuration file value: cbtt_block_private_ip
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - On

When on, if the ip= parameter in an announce is a loopback ( or a private IP (RFC1918) that parameter is ignored.

Public IP Spoofing Blocking

Configuration file value: only_local_override_ip
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - on

When on, if the announcing client reports an ip= parameter in their announce and their IP is not a loopback or private IP (RFC1918) that parameter is ignored.

MySQL Update instead of overwrite support

Configuration file value: mysql_cbtt_ttrader_support
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - on

When on, the MySQL behaviour when override dstate is disabled changes to update existing fields instead of clearing the database and rewriting it. This function requires MySQL version 4.1 or newer (4.01 and older do NOT support the query syntax used for this)

Custom favicon.ico support

Configuration file value: favicon
States: Any valid file pointer (Default blank)

When a file is specified, all requests to the /favicon.ico file in the server will be given the icon file specified.

P2P Port Blacklisting

Configuration file value: cbtt_blacklist_common_p2p_ports
States: 0 - Off (default), 1 - on

When on, ports within several common p22p ranges are blacklisted and will be rejected by the tracker.
the current ranges are: 411-413, 1214, 4662, 6346-6347, 6881-6999 

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FastCounter by bCentral

CBTT - A C++ BitTorrent tracker based on BNBT by Trevor Hogan