Version History (by Build date):
BNBT 7.3 Core
Feb 18 2004 Build:
Added: Ban by Client Peer ID functions with Allow all/allow only options
Added: Version Information File Version
Changed: Console display message to include CBTT.

Feb 19 2004 Build:
Added: Download Torrent link to individual torrent status pages.

Feb 20 2004 Build:
Changed: Login page to display Torrent name instead of Info Hash. (Bugged, doesn't work in Win32)

Feb 26 2004 Build:
Added: Option for custom service name in Win32. (Bugged, didn't function properly)
Changed: File Version to

Feb 27 2004 Build:
Fixed: Bug in service name code from previous build. When run from a command line, the console will display the Service name being installed.
Reverted change: Login page now displays info hash instead of torrent name. 

Feb 28 2004 Build:
Fixed: Bug in Login page code that controls displaying of info hash or torrent name. Code is based off of the BNBT 7.4 core login page.
-2 build:
Fixed: Bug in Custom service code that would display a correct service name, but not apply it to the registry.
Changed: File Version to

Mar 04 2004 Build:
Added: Ban by IP Address functions (credit for code goes to TimeCop)

Mar 10 2004 Build:
Fixed: Minor bug that would force both IP and client bans to read from the same file
Changed: File Version to

Mar 14 2004 Build:
Fixed: Bug that would display an infolink when a url is not specified or only includes http://
Changed: Upload page to have a default infolink value of blank instead of http:// 
Added: Automatic rejection of clients that report invalid uploaded or downloaded values.
Changed: Compressed archive format of package to .rar for improved compression.

Apr 16 2004 Build:
Changed: Announce Peer List algorithm to match BNBT 7.5 Core
Added: PARTIAL implementation of Trinity's modifications to BNBT.
Changed: File Version to (Major revision due to the announce code change)

Apr 18 2004 Build:
Added: FULL implementation of Trinity's modifications to BNBT (previous to this build date).

Apr 19 2004 Build:
Added: support for the min_request_interval scrape flag (copied from BNBT7.5)
Added: support for the no_peer_id announce extension (copied from BNBT7.5)

April 28 2004 Build:
Fixed: Bug that increases chances of destroyed .bnbt files on an improper shutdown.

April 29, 2004 Build:
Added: Search engine robot block code
Fixed: Several minor bugs.

May 5, 2004 Build:
Added: Completed download info to the /scrape function.
Fixed: Bug that would crash the tracker in the instance of empty configuration values in the bnbt.cfg file.

May 9, 2004 Build:
Added: Tracker Leaf Link reset function to the admin panel. This will only function when the tracker is operating as a leaf, and not as a hub.
Changed: File Version to

May 15, 2004 build:
Fixed: Bug that would prevent urlencoded filenames from working properly when passed to the tracker.
Added: Code to allow clicking on a tag next to the torrent listing to filter by that tag. 

May 21, 2004 build:
Fixed: MAJOR bug that causes crashes with malformed authentication client side replies
Changed: File Version to

May 22, 2004 build:
Adopted official changes to deal with the crash bug fixed in the previous build.

Version abandoned as of June 25 build of CBTT 7.7

BNBT 7.4 Core
Mar 09 2004 Build:
Added: Ban by IP address functions (credit for code goes to TimeCop)
Changed: File Version to

Mar 14 2004 Build:
Fixed: Bug that would display an infolink when a url is not specified or only includes http://
Changed: Upload page to have a default infolink value of blank instead of http:// 
Added: Automatic rejection of clients that report invalid uploaded or downloaded values.
Changed: Compressed archive format of package to .rar for improved compression.

Mar 15 2004 Build:
Added: Option for custom service name in Win32.
Version abandoned at this build due to the similarities between 7.4 and 7.5 

BNBT 7.5 Core
April 17, 2004 Build:
Added: Ban by IP address functions (credit for code goes to TimeCop)
Fixed: Bug that would display an infolink when a url is not specified or only includes http://
Added: Option for custom service name in Win32.
Added: Automatic rejection of clients that report invalid uploaded or downloaded values.
Added: File Version Information for Win32 - Version

April 19, 2004 Build:
Fixed: Bug that would cause the core to force a blank authentication realm instead of BNBT by default. 

April 28, 2004 Build:
Added: Complete integration of the Trinity edition modifications (Trinity build April 21, 2004)
Fixed: Bug that increases chances of destroyed .bnbt files on an improper shutdown. 

April 29, 2004 Build:
Added: Search engine robot block code
Added: Code to migrate the bnbt_display_all configuration file value to keep_dead
Fixed: Several minor bugs.

May 15, 2004 build:
Fixed: Bug that would prevent urlencoded filenames from working properly when passed to the tracker.
Added: Code to allow clicking on a tag next to the torrent listing to filter by that tag.

May 21, 2004 build:
Fixed: MAJOR bug that causes crashes with malformed authentication client side replies
Changed: File Version to

May 22, 2004 build:
Adopted official changes to deal with the crash bug fixed in the previous build.

Version abandoned as of June 25 build of CBTT 7.7

BNBT 7.7 Core
June 25, 2004 build:
Added: Ban by User Agent or Peer ID. Same control method as ban by Peer ID code
Added: Code to migrate bnbt_display_all configuration file value to keep_dead
Added: Automatic rejection of clients that cause buffer overflow attempts with download or upload values.
Added: Option for custom Windows NT Service name.
Added: Partial implementation of BNBT Trinity Edition Version 7.5 minor release 3
Added: Version information for Win32. Version
Fixed: Bug that would cause non-allowed torrents to spontaneously appear over a tracker link
Fixed: Bug that would crash a 7.7 based tracker on announce when used as a network hub.

June 29, 2004 build:
Added: Support for robots.txt search engine blocking
Added: Support to restrict uploaded/downloaded reporting to sane levels (when off, limit nears 600PB)
Added: Automatic addition of CBTT configuration values
Added: Support to force uncompressed returns of torrents through the /torrent.html interface
Added: Support for smarter client spoofing detection.
Fixed: Bug in row tags that would cause image based tags to not filter properly when clicked (border is now 0 as well)
Fixed: Bug in the code for /login.html that would consistently generate ZLib errors
Changed: Version to 

July 2, 2004 build:
Added: IP Blacklisting/VIP Listing functions
Fixed: Misc. bugs found that would cause compile problems on non-windows platforms.

July 3, 2004 build:
Fixed: Bugs in IP banning code that would cause it to not check the IP addresses at the correct times.

July 19, 2004 build:
Added: Code to allow a tracker administrator to prevent a private IP (RFC1918) from being reported to the tracker.
Added: Code to allow a tracker administrator to prevent systems not on private IP ranges from reporting a different IP to the tracker.
Changed: Version to

July 27, 2004 build:
Fixed: problem with previous build's precompiled EXE.

BNBT 8.0 core
July 27, 2004 build:
Added: Ban by User Agent or Peer ID. Same control method as ban by Peer ID code
Added: Code to migrate bnbt_display_all configuration file value to keep_dead
Added: Automatic rejection of clients that cause buffer overflow attempts with download or upload values.
Added: Option for custom Windows NT Service name.
Added: Partial implementation of BNBT Trinity Edition Version 7.5 minor release 3
Added: Support to restrict uploaded/downloaded reporting to sane levels (when off, limit nears 600PB)
Added: Automatic addition of CBTT configuration values
Added: Support to force uncompressed returns of torrents through the /torrent.html interface
Added: Support for smarter client spoofing detection.
Added: IP Blacklisting/VIP Listing functions
Added: Code to allow a tracker administrator to prevent a private IP (RFC1918) from being reported to the tracker.
Added: Code to allow a tracker administrator to prevent systems not on private IP ranges from reporting a different IP to the tracker.
Added: Version information for Win32. Version

July 29, 2004 build:
Fixed: Bug in updater function that would cause the static file to parse in incorrect conditions.

July 30, 2004 build:
Fixed: Serious crash bug in secondary trackers.
Fixed: Errors when updating torrent tables with MySQL DState disabled
Changed: Location reference for mysql.h on some platforms
Changed: stdio.h reference now active on all systems
Fixed: Bugs relating to internal database performance
Added: bnbt_max_recv_size configuration value for torrent upload page limits
Added: mysql_cbtt_ttrader_support config value to change the behaviour of the statistics mode dump. (plans for dstate override support for this are in the works.) This feature is primarily for future support of external pre-made frontends such as TorrentTrader.
Changed: Version to

August 12, 2004 Build
Added: /favicon.ico support
Added: RSS Support (code by labarks)
Changed: Version to

August 24, 2004 Build
Fixed: Moderate bug in the client ban code that would not ban certain sets of peer IDs properly.
Added: Code to allow for semi-automatic migration from BNBT EasyTracker on Windows systems.
Changed: Version to 

August 28, 2004 Build
Fixed: Moderate-severe bug in MySQL query handling that would cause memory leaks on all non-select queries.
Added: Code to allow blacklisting of common peer to peer program ports
Changed: Version to

August 30, 2004 build
Fixed: An additional bug in MySQL query handling that would cause memory leaks
Fixed: Minor bug in user agent processing during announce.

October 20, 2004 build
Fixed: Major bug that would cause entire swarms to be returned to compact announce peers
Fixed: Minor bugs in RSS code. (Details)

December 29, 2004 build
Changed: Windows TCP socket code to use Winsock2 instead of Winsock
Added: Seed/Peer counts to XML dump (Details)
Added: support for custom logfile identification method (Details)
Added: option to drop individual peer data from XML Dump (Details)
Changed: NAT IP checking values for compatibility with BNBT main core.
Fixed: bug in torrent return code that would generate invalid headers
Fixed: bug in scrape code that would prevent scrapes from returning accurate information with MySQL overriding DState.

January 31, 2005 build
Fixed bug in torrent return code that would return incorrect torrent filenames on statistics page.
Fixed bug in torrent return code that would return URLEncoded filenames in response headers.
Added additional copyright information to the source code.
Added support for multiple listen ports.
use port(x) where (x) is the number of the additional listen ports beyond the default. (example: port1 = 59110)
Added per_page paramater to index link queries to control the number of torrents to display. Including a ?per_page=0 in a view of the index (example: /index.html?per_page=0) returns all torrents on the tracker.
Added support for external torrent scripts such as torrent.php?torrentname= in bnbt_external_torrent_dir
Optimized compact announce code

March 17, 2005 build
Added support for multiple info_hash requests in a single /scrape call.
Fixed minor bugs relating to per_page in sort links.
Fixed minor bugs relating to SO_REUSEADDR in port bindings.

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FastCounter by bCentral

CBTT - A C++ BitTorrent tracker based on BNBT by Trevor Hogan